Bug Bytes #141 – Sesh Gremlin attack, RCE via password field & Pwning XMLSec for info disclosure and bounties
By Anna Hammond
October 6, 2021
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series is curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comprehensive list of write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources.
This issue covers the week from September 27 to October 4.
Intigriti news
Always wanted to be part of an @intigriti live hacking event? Now is your chance!
Everybody can win a 40€ swag voucher (King of the Hill 102021)
Our favorite 5 hacking items
1. Video of the week
Bug Bounty | $2000 for SSRF bypass using DNS rebinding & Lab
If you want to practice SSRF or DNS rebinding attacks, this is a great resource. “Leet Cipher” shares details of an SSRF bypass via DNS rebinding found in a bug bounty program. The lab provided reproduces the issue and is easy to deploy using Docker. Make sure to try first before watching the solution!
2. Writeups of the week
Ping’ing XMLSec
Cisco Hyperflex: How We Got RCE Through Login Form and Other Findings
The first writeup is about an ingenious attack chain involving XSLT and XXE that @_tint0 discovered in PingFederate. Pwning this popular SSO product led to critical information disclosure bugs on many programs and bounties from Netflix, Paypal, Ping, etc.
The second writeup by @Ankorik and @__mn1__ relates (among other vulnerabilities) an interesting RCE via password field in Cisco HyperFlex.
3. Tip of the week
@SlandailLtd shared an interesting excerpt from a pentest report on what they call a “Sesh Gremlin” attack. The idea is to keep an eye on all endpoints that return a session cookie, then re-use each cookie collected to access authenticated areas.
4. Resource of the week
The official Burp documentation was recently updated and is worth the detour. It includes extensive details on generic Burp usage, all the features including advanced ones you may not know about, how to use the tool for penetration testing or mobile testing, and more.
5. Conference of the week
This conference includes many interesting talks on all kinds of topics such as attacking cookie-based authentication or webinar platforms. I especially recommend the keynote by @niemand_sec. He shares some bug examples and the approach/mindset used to find them, the types of questions he asks himself when doing research or when reading writeups.
Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week
Accidentally finding a $50,000 vulnerability – Augusto Zanellato – Bug Bounty Reports Discussed #2
Day[0]: Gatekeeper Bypass, Opera RCE, and Prototype Pollution [Bounty Hunting Podcast]
Day[0]: Kernel UAFs and a Parallels VM Escape [Binary Exploitation Podcast]
Slides & Workshop material
CRLFuzz – Hacker Tools: Injecting CRLF for bounties 👩💻 & Video
Information Gathering&scanning for sensitive information[ Reloaded]
Challenge writeups
Pentest writeups
Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups
Chasing a Dream :: Pre-authenticated Remote Code Execution in Dedecms #Web #CodeReview
Heap-based Buffer Overflow in vim/vim #Linux #MemoryCorruption
The fugitive in Java: Escaping to Java to escape the Chrome sandbox #MemoryCorruption #Browser
Breaking Custom Cursor to p0wn the web #Web #BrowserExtension
0-day & N-day vulnerabilities
CVE-2021-41773: Path Traversal Zero-Day in Apache HTTP Server Exploited
Python & PowerShell PoCs for the won’tfix Azure AD bruteforce technique that evades logging
Bug bounty writeups
CVE-2021-26084 (Atlassian)
Multiple bugs allowed malicious Android Applications to takeover Facebook/Workplace accounts (Facebook, $10,000)
The Discovery Of Gatekeeper Bypass CVE-2021-1810 & Analysis Of CVE-2021-1810 Gatekeeper Bypass (Apple)
Denial of Service via Hyperlinks in Posts (Slack, $1,500)
HTTP Request Smuggling on api.flocktory.com Leads to XSS on Customer Sites (QIWI, $300)
Telegram bug in terminated sessions (Telegram)
See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.
Mariana Trench: Facebook’s security focused static analysis tool for Android and Java applications
Certgraph & Intro: An open source intelligence tool to crawl the graph of certificate Alternate Names
GitOops!: A tool to help attackers and defenders identify lateral movement and privilege escalation paths in GitHub organizations by abusing CI/CD pipelines and GitHub access controls (Inspired from Bloodhound and Cartography)
interactsh-web: Web Client for Interactsh
Gowap: Wappalyzer implementation in Go
DonPAPI: Dumping DPAPI credz remotely
Weggli & Difference with CodeQL: A fast and robust semantic search tool for C and C++ codebases. It is designed to help security researchers identify interesting functionality in large codebases
Tips & Tweets
How @putersarehard got 3rd spot in the SecurityTrails ReconMaster contest
Combine reflected HTTP headers with XSS to bypass (HTTPOnly) cookie flags
Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources
HTB Starting Point (Complete free machines for a chance to win an annual VIP+ subscription)
HackBack 2021: The Future of Cyber Operations (October 14-15)
#RedTeamFive Open Invitational CTF Details (November 5-7)
New Hacker101 CTF level by @adamtlangley (focused on content discovery)
Bug bounty & Pentest news
Bug bounty
Upcoming events
Hacktoberfest 2021 (Participating security-related projects include PayloadsAllTheThings, Subfinder, reconFTW, OWASP Amass / MSTG / WSTG…)
Your Personal Brand Speaks Louder than Your CV! (October 6)
Tool updates
GTFOBLookup (Added support for WADComs)
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