Bug Bytes #92 – Pwning Apple for three months, XSS in VueJS, Hacking Salesforce Lightning & Unicode byͥtes
By Anna Hammond
October 14, 2020
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series is curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comprehensive list of write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources.
This issue covers the week from 04 to 11 of October.
Intigriti News
Our new weekly digest of notable InfoSec news
NEW HOODIES: Embrace the hacker stereotype, but do it with style!
Our favorite 5 hacking items
1. Videos of the week
Unicode vulnerabilities that could byͥte you (Part of NorthSec 2020)
Masonhck3571 Talks About Being Disciplined, His Learning Process, and Full Time Bug Hunting!
These are two very informational videos. One is on Unicode vulnerabilities including the latest research such as HostSplit and HostBond attacks. The other is an interview with @Masonhck3571 on transitionning from a non IT job to full-time bug hunting, how he chooses targets, his learning process, etc.
2. Writeups of the week
We Hacked Apple for 3 Months: Here’s What We Found
What an incredible writeup! A crew of five bug hunters (@samwcyo, @bbuerhaus, @nahamsec, @erbbysam and @StaticFlow) hacked on Apple for 3 months and found 55 vulnerabilities. They shared how it went, the list of vulnerabilities detected, with detailed writeups on 12 of them. It’s so impressive when you know that some of them have full-time job and not all the bugs were disclosed (maybe including some new research).
As @hakluke says, an apple doesn’t taste as good now, it just tastes like vulnerabilities.
3. Tools of the week
bbrf-client & Intro
jwt-heartbreaker & Intro
BBRF is Pieter Hiele’s (@honoki) tool for storing bug bounty data. It is in Python, uses CouchDB and has a client-server architecture. It is meant to be combined with other recon tools to store/read the data collected on a program (subdomains, domains, IPs…). A very handy and well-documented tool!
JWT is a Burp extension to passively scan for JWT tokens signed with a weak secret. I haven’t tried it yet but it looks interesting, especially if customized to even more JWT secrets to test.
4. Article of the week
Evading defences using VueJS script gadgets
This is an excellent article on XSS in VuesJS. It is packed with information on identifying and exploiting XSS created from VueJS script gadgets. A must if you’re into XSS or plan on testing VueJS sites!
5. Tutorial of the week
Salesforce Lightning – An in-depth look at exploitation vectors for the everyday community
Aaron Costello (@ConspiracyProof) published this in-depth tutorial on hacking Salesforce Lightning by exploiting common misconfigurations of the CRM. This offensive approach hasn’t been documented before, so it is very interesting for bug hunters and pentesters.
Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week
Cybertalk ep13 – @hakluke Talks About Creating Content, Bug Hunting, Pentest, Automation & Resources
Finding Your First Bug: Reading JSON and XML for Information Disclosure
Getting started with Github for Security Professionals and Bug Bounty Hunters & Written guide
$12,000 Grafana SSRF in Gitlab – Bug Bounty Reports Explained
Giving Effective Presentations: A Crash Course with Chris Crowley
Security Now: Why Win7 Lives On – Android Security, Windows 7 Security, Microsoft Defender
Targeting Trickbot, Static Kitten, & ‘Raccine’ Ransomware – SWN #71
ASW #124 – Things Every Developer Should Know About Security – Chris Romeo
SWN #72 – Stuxnet Redux, Fancy Bear, & UEFI Bootkits – Wrap Up
PSW #669 – Assembling Your First Infosec Home Lab – Tony “tjnull” Punturiero
Webinars & Webcasts
Slides & Workshop material
Medium to advanced
Beginners corner
How to Store Session Tokens in a Browser (and the impacts of each)
Java RMI for pentesters: structure, recon and communication (non-JMX Registries). & Part two — reconnaissance & attack against non-JMX registries
Challenge writeups
Pentest writeups
Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups
Enter the Vault: Authentication Issues in HashiCorp Vault #Web #Cloud
HP Device Manager – CVE-2020-6925, CVE-2020-6926, CVE-2020-6927
CVE-2019-0230: Apache Struts OGNL Remote Code Execution #Web
A brief encounter with Leostream Connect Broker #Reverse #Web
Pulse Connect Secure – RCE via Template Injection (CVE-2020-8243) #RCE #Web
Anti-Virus Vulnerabilities: Who’s Guarding the Watch Tower? #AV #Windows #PrivEsc
Bug bounty writeups
Research: The mass CSRFing of .google.com/ products. (Google, $30,000)
Watch your requests! Open redirect to a complete account takeover
6k$ Worth Account Takeover via IDOR in Starbucks Singapore (Starbucks, $6,000)
JS is l0ve ❤️. ($5,000)
SVE-2020-18025: Unauthorised access to Samsung secure folder files (Samsung, $3,750)
Our Experiences Participating in Microsoft’s Azure Sphere Bounty Program (Microsoft, $160,000)
Kud I Enter Your Server? New Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Azure (Microsoft)
Transferring a public group to a private group doesn’t remove code from the Elastichsearch API search result (GitLab, $3,000)
Windows only: arbitrary file read vulnerability in openssl s_server (OpenSSL)
See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.
GitLab Watchman & GitHub Watchman : Monitoring GitLab & GitHub for sensitive data shared publicly
GLORP: A CLI-based HTTP intercept and replay proxy
reesolve (ree): Tool to do dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 lookups for A & AAAA DNS records
Asnap: Go tool that aims to render recon phase easier by providing regularly updated data about which companies owns which ipv4 or ipv6 addresses and allows the user to automate initial port and service scanning
tojson.py: Python tool to convert simple string (find in js file) to JSON body – for brute force api endpoint with many json parameters
Trident: Automated password spraying tool
A CrowdSec Primer: A Modern Replacement for Fail2Ban #BlueTeam
rpc2socks: Post-exploitation client-server solution that allows to drop and remotely run a custom RPC + SOCKS-through-SMB server application on a #Windows target, from a Unix or Windows host
SwiftBelt: A macOS enumeration tool inspired by harmjoy’s Windows-based Seatbelt enumeration tool
Vulmap: Online Local Vulnerability Scanners Project for Windows & Linux
WMIHACKER: A Bypass Anti-virus Software Lateral Movement Command Execution Tool
Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources
Project Cobrat: A Centralised Searchable Open Source Project Sonar DNS Database
Goof: Snyk’s vulnerable Node.js demo app
Mutation XSS via namespace confusion – DOMPurify < 2.0.17 bypass
Now you C me, now you don’t: An introduction to the hidden attack surface of interpreted languages
Bug bounty & Pentest news
Hacker Plus: Facebook’s new bug bounty loyalty program
Making bug triage faster and simpler: rolling out Facebook’s Bug Description Language (FBDL)
Concluding the Azure Sphere Security Research Challenge, Microsoft Awards $374,300 to Global Security Research Community & Why we invite security researchers to hack Azure Sphere
Non technical
Tweeted this week
We created a collection of our favorite pentest & bug bounty related tweets shared this past week. You’re welcome to read them directly on Twitter: Tweets from 10/04/2020 to 10/11/2020.
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