Bug Bytes #78 – BIG-IP RCE, Azure account takeover & Hunt scanner is back!
By Anna Hammond
July 8, 2020
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series is curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comprehensive list of write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources.
This issue covers the week from 26 of June to 03 of July.
Our favorite 5 hacking items
1. Resource of the week
Cloud-ranges is a collection of IP ranges owned by cloud providers (AWS, Azure, GCP, Godaddy, Linode, Rackspace…). The script used to pull this information is run everyday by @pry0cc, and the repo updated. So helpful for internet scanning research!
2. Writeups of the week
Taking over Azure DevOps Accounts with 1 Click (Microsoft, $3,000)
Story of a 2.5k Bounty — SSRF on Zimbra Led to Dump All Credentials in Clear Text ($2,500)
The first bug is a 1-click account takeover of Azure DevOps accounts. @seanyeoh intiallty found a subdomain takeover that didn’t seem that critical. Except that he could exploit it to steal tokens used in another subdomain’s authentication flow.
Lesson learned: Subdomain takeovers can not only be used to capture emails (by setting MX records) or create valid SSL certificates, but also to bypass whitelists in redirection parameters of authentication flows, and steal sensitive tokens.
The second finding is also pretty interesting. It is an SSRF exploiting Zimbra with memcached exposed. By changing the backend server IP in cache, @YShahinzadeh was able to redirect server traffic, perform a MiTM attack and steal credentials.
3. Tools of the week
HUNT is an excellent Burp extension. It had only one fault: it did not work with Burp 2.0. This is not an issue anymore thanks to @OptionalValue who rewrote it for the current version of Burp.
The other tool I was really glad to discover this week is Bat. I wish I knew about it sooner because it truly is an upgrade of cat. It adds color, syntax highlighting for several programming and markup languages, shows non-printable characters, uses less for large files by default, plus lots of other cool features.
4. Tutorials of the week
Using SQL Injection to perform SSRF/XSPA attacks
Weaponizing favicon.ico for BugBounties , OSINT and what not , FavFreak & get-shodan-favicon-hash.py
The first article shows in detail how to leverage SQL injection to perform SSRF/XSPA. This is a fantastic ideas as it can help increase the impact of a SQL injection, and move from attacking the database to attacking cloud services (e.g. fetching sensitive metadata).
The second tutorial is also a nice technique to add to your recon arsenal. It is about using favicon.ico hashes for assets enumeration, with a Python script to automate the process.
5. News / Vulnerabilities of the week
RIFT: F5 Networks K52145254: TMUI RCE vulnerability CVE-2020-5902 Intelligence (includes PoCs) & How to find F5 BIG-IP instances
CVE-2020-2021 PAN-OS: Authentication Bypass in SAML Authentication, Additional info by author & CVE-2020-2021: Post Exploit Analysis
It is not everyday that a vulnerability so serious comes up and makes bug hunters stop anything they are doing to check it out. This week brought up not only one but two bugs of this kind.
The first one is an RCE on F5 BIG-IP. The initial advisory didn’t disclose much, but it was reverse engineered and different Proofs of Concepts were published. The second bug is an SAML authentication bypass on PAN-OS (Palo Alto Networks). It was also reverse engineered, but the PoC developed by Randori is not public yet.
CVE-2020-5902 and CVE-2020-2021 dominated hacker conversations on Twitter. They are worth analyzing given their impact and how widespread is the affected software. But remember to give bug bounty programs some time to patch, before starting to test for and report such n-day vulnerabilities. A lot of programs mention this in their rules anyway!
Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week
Risky Business #590 — REPOST: It turns out we’re not SAML experts
Undetected e.04: TomNomNom – Hacking things back together & Notes
Podcast: “Stay out of your comfort zone!” & Bug Bounties on The Other End
Webinars & Webcasts
SANS webinars (require free registration)
Layer 8 Conference, especially:
iHack 2020 (in French)
OWASP Bay Area Meetups
Medium to advanced
Getting Started with Frida : Hooking a Function and Replacing its Arguments
1-click meterpreter exploit chain with BeEF and AV/AMSI bypass
Beginners corner
Beginners Guide On How You Can Use Javascript In BugBounty. & JSFScan.sh
Kill ’em With Laughter: “The Billion Laughs” Attack Through Image Uploads
Challenge writeups
Pentest writeups
Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups
Would you like some RCE with your Guacamole? (CVE-2020-9497 & CVE-2020-9498) #RCE #RDP
CVE-2020–2033 Palo Alto Global Protect Remote Session Hijack #MiTM #VPN
Local Privilege Escalation Discovered in GlobalProtect App #PrivEsc #Windows
Mozilla Firefox URL mPath Information Disclosure Vulnerability #BrowserHacking
OCS Inventory NG v2.7 Remote Command Execution (CVE-2020-14947) & PoC #RCE #CodeReview #PHP
Resurrecting an old AMSI Bypass #Windows
Microsoft Windows LNK Remote Code Execution Vulnerability — CVE-2020-1299 #RCE #Windows
Technical Advisory – macOS Installer Local Root Privilege Escalation (CVE-2020-9817)
Windows Telemetry service elevation of privilege #PrivEsc #Windows
Bug bounty writeups
How I hacked a bank their application using it for hacking another bank company — 10K XSS ($10,000)
Story of stealing mail conversation, contacts in mail.ru and myMail iOS applications via XSS (Mail.ru, $1,000)
Patched Zoom Exploit: Altering Camera Settings via Remote SQL Injection (Zoom, $3,000)
ZombieVPN, Breaking That Internet Security & Repo (Bitdefender & AnchorFree)
Vulnerability in Electron-based Application: Unintentionally Giving Malicious Code Room to Run (Symbol) #CodeReview
Create any military unit in any age (InnoGames, $1,100)
Keybase client (Windows 10): Write files anywhere in userland using relative path in “download attachement” feature (Keybase, $5,000)
Tricking the “Create snippet” feature into displaying the wrong filetype can lead to RCE on Slack users (Slack, $1,500)
Spoofing the redirect process using RTLO (Vanilla, $150)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) on www.starbucks.com | .co.uk login pages (Starbucks, $500)
See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.
If you don’t have time
Abnormalizer: Python script that takes a unicode string and abnormalizes it by character replacement. Currently uses Latin & Greek character substitution
ScriptHunter & Intro: Automated JS Discovery
WStalker, Intro: HTTP/HTTPS Proxy with full Request/Response logging to support Web API assessments & How-to: Importing WStalker CSV (and more) into Burp Suite via Import to Sitemap Extension
Turbo Data Miner: Burp extension for flexible and dynamic extraction, correlation, and structured presentation of information as well as the flexible and dynamic on-the-fly modification of outgoing or incoming HTTP requests using Python scripts
patch-apk – App Bundle/Split APK Aware Patcher for Objection & Intro: An APK patcher, for use with objection, that supports Android app bundles/split APKs
More tools, if you have time
Browsertunnel: A tool for exfiltrating data from the browser using the DNS protocol
PUFF: Simple clientside vulnerability fuzzer, powered by puppeteer
DumpCN: A simple script that reads a list of domains (starting with https:// or not) from standard input, grabs the certificate and prints the CN
Takemeon & Intro: nxdomain subdomain enumeration. Helps in scaling the automation. Currently, it only helps to resolve the nxdomain if possible
Behave!: A monitoring browser extension for pages acting as bad boys. Warns if a Web page performs port scanning, access to private IPs or DNS rebinding attacks
TrashEmail: A hosted disposable email telegram bot
Psalm & Intro: Vimeo’s static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications
OFJAAAH: Automated recon script
FileSearcher & Intro: Unmanaged assembly file searcher for when a fully interactive beacon session is not opsec safe enough
bof-NetworkServiceEscalate: Sample “Beacon Object File” (COFF really?) created with Mingw-w64 & Makefile : Can be used as a “getsystem” or to escalate to SYSTEM from NetworkService using Forshaw’s shared logon session issue
SpoolSystem: A CNA script for Cobalt Strike which uses the Print Spooler named pipe impersonation trick to gain SYSTEM privileges
Leonidas: Automated Attack Simulation in the Cloud, complete with detection use cases
Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources
Bug bounty & Pentest news
Google Cloud Next – OnAir: Jul 14 – Sep 8
Exploit developed for critical Palo Alto authentication flaw (CVE-2020-2021)
F5 customers urged to patch systems as critical BIG-IP flaw is actively exploited (CVE-2020-5902 RCE & CVE-2020-5903 XSS)
App generator tool JHipster Kotlin fixes fundamental cryptographic bug
How public safety systems can be abused by nation state actors
Unpatched Wi-Fi Extender Opens Home Networks to Remote Control
After six months of stonewalling by Apple, app dev goes public with macOS privacy protection bypass
Microsoft issues critical fixes for booby-trapped images – update now!
Breaches & Attacks
Incident: Re-generate API keys due to open Elasticsearch server
Digital skimmer runs entirely on Google, defeats CSP: “CSP is practically worthless when you already have Google Analytics on your site”
Lucifer: Devilish malware that abuses critical vulnerabilities on Windows machines
Avaddon ransomware shows that Excel 4.0 macros are still effective
California university pays $1 million ransom amid coronavirus research
New Android Spyware Tools Emerge in Widespread Surveillance Campaign
Hacker ransoms 23k MongoDB databases and threatens to contact GDPR authorities
Indian government hack exposes 80,000 coronavirus patients’ data
Other news
New Apple macOS Big Sur feature to hamper adware operations: “Apple has disabled the ability to silently install macOS profiles from the CLI in macOS 11, a measure that was widely employed by adware and malware gangs.”
iOS 14 flags TikTok, 53 other apps spying on iPhone clipboards
Infosec community disagrees with changing ‘black hat’ term due to racial stereotyping
Barclays Bank appeared to be using the Wayback Machine as a ‘CDN’ for some Javascript
What is Fetch Metadata? How to protect your web resources from information-stealing attacks
Apple strong-arms entire CA industry into one-year certificate lifespans
Apple tells app devs to use IPv6 as it’s 1.4 times faster than IPv4
How Police Secretly Took Over a Global Phone Network for Organized Crime
‘Groundhog Day’ – Security experts decry latest US attempt to kill end-to-end encryption
AWS Facial Recognition Platform Misidentified Over 100 Politicians As Criminals
Non technical
Bug Business #4 – Meet the Intigriti triage team: All your questions answered
Mayonaise Joins The Ranks of The Seven-Figure-Earning Hackers
Digital Footprint – The first step in most offensive services
Tweeted this week
We created a collection of our favorite pentest & bug bounty related tweets shared this past week. You’re welcome to read them directly on Twitter: Tweets from 06/26/2020 to 07/03/2020.
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