Bug Bytes #7 – Abusing bounces, LazyRecon and LiveOverflow’s definition of a vuln
By Intigriti
February 26, 2019
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series are curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us updated with a comprehensive list of all write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources we should not have missed.
You can sign up for the newsletter here.
Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.
This issue covers the week from 15 to 22 of February.
Our favorite 5 hacking items
1. Resource of the week
This is a great wiki on SQL injection for both beginners and advanced testers.
I’m always talking abount maintaining a personal knowledge base. If you need inspiration, this is a perfect example of one which is very well organized and includes most things you need to learn or remember for testing SQL injections:
Payloads for detection (by type of request)
How to identify the Database Management System in use
The different injection types and techniques including WAF evasion techniques
Payloads for different attack queries (for information gathering, OS commands execution, privilege escalation, etc)
2. Writeup of the week
I think the best bugs are those found after researching a specific topic, finding a new type of bugs, then applying the finding to as many sites with a bug bounty program as possible.
This is a great strategy for finding a lot of valid bugs but it requires new thinking and discovering something that few people might have noticed. So it is nice to read about @securinti’s thought process!
This article encompasses a lot of information like:
How to find valid target email addresses without spamming them
Examples of how to exploit them for many different attacks (blind XSS, arbitrary file upload, Ticket Trick, abusing printers…)
How to abuse autoresponder and bounce emails to obtain sensitive information (like someone’s real email address behind a generic one)
Two examples of such bugs found on Google and Intigriti
Also, don’t bother testing for the Intigriti bug on other bug bounty platforms, he already did.
3. Tool of the week
LazyRecon by @CaptMeelo (not to be confused with @Nahamsec’s LazyRecon script)
I love peeping into recon tools and seeing which tools, techniques or development practices they use that I don’t.
LazyRecon is very similar to my own automated tool. It’s written in Bash, is a wrapper around staple bug hunting tools (like Amass, Subfinder, Massdns, Masscan, Nmap, Aquatone, Dirsearch…) and is organized following a workflow including all the basic recon steps: subdomain enumeration, subdomain takeover, CORS configuration, IP discovery, port scanning, visual recon and content discovery.
I highly recommend reading through the tool’s description (especially the “Notes” section) and the source code. It’s good to use as is or as a basis for your own complete and customized recon tool.
4. Video of the week
@LiveOverflow is a genious! Seriously, reading the title of this video, I didn’t understand what was there to discuss: a security vulnerability is any unexpected behaviour or flaw which can have a business impact, whether it is financial or brand image loss.
But this video is about 5 examples which makes you think:
A CVE that isn’t really a security vulnerability
A security vulnerability in a smart contract, which isn’t one according to the owner of the contract, but is a big issue for investors
A no-vulnerability that some newbies mistake for one. But if the length of session cookies was shorter, it would actually become a vulnerability…
Why there are proposals for removing XSS Auditor from browsers, and why an XSS should be reported even if it is stopped by it
Whether to report a vulnerability that is not easily exploitable because of TLS
Sometimes, the line is blurry and it takes experience and intuition to decide whether a bug is a vulnerability or not. It makes sense.
I didn’t realize this before hearing in it explained in these terms, but I use intuition too. Reading reports and experience that comes from discussions with clients and developers also help.
5. Tutorial of the week
This is a short to the point tutorial on how to create AWS s3 buckets. It’s not groundbreaking but it’s nice to have if you find a misconfigured subdomain pointing to an unclaimed bucket name.
Here’s an example bug bounty writeup from the same author on exploiting such a misconfigured subdomain.
Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week
Smashing Security 116: Stalking debtors, Facebook farce, and a cyber insurance snag
Sophos Podcast Ep. 020 – Leaky containers, careless coders and risky USB cables
Absolute AppSec Ep. #47 – Kevin Cody (on mobile app testing
Slides only
Medium to advanced
WPA-Enterprise: Learn how to steal WPA-Enterprise credentials. Most devices don’t validate the authentication server certificate…
Multiple Vendor DNS Response Flooding Denial Of Service (CVE-2004–0789) | Clint Josy
Reverse engineering of a mobile game, part 3: Now, it’s obfuscated
“Relaying” Kerberos – Having fun with unconstrained delegation & Krbrelayx
Day 50: Symbolic Link Attack, Overwrite Root Files with SUID/Root Invocation
Beginners corner
Pentest Lab Setup on Memcached & Penetration Testing on Memcached Server
Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards (Open Redirects) | Asfiya Shaikh
Challenge writeups
Pentest writeups
Responsible disclosure writeups
Hacking Jenkins Part 2 – Abusing Meta Programming for Unauthenticated RCE!, Exploitation tips, PoC 1 & PoC 2
Exploiting Drupal8’s REST RCE (SA-CORE-2019-003, CVE-2019-6340)
Path Traversal & LFI leading to RCE on WordPress: uncovered for over 6 years!
Bug bounty writeups
Information disclosure on Uber ($5,000)
DoS on Upwork ($400)
SSRF in Slack ($1,000)
DOM XSS on HackerOne ($500)
See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.
If you don’t have time
Dirscraper: Tool to scrape directories from javascript files hosted on a website
Get_schemas: Print out URL schemas from an Android app
Simdjson: Parsing gigabytes of JSON per second & Pysimdjson: Python bindings for the simdjson project
More tools, if you have time
Gorecon: All in one Reconnaissance Tool , a.k.a swiss knife for Reconnaissance , A tool that every pentester/bughunter might wanna consider into their arsenal
Venom: A Multi-hop Proxy for Penetration Testers Written in Go
RootHelper](https://github.com/NullArray/RootHelper): A Bash script that downloads and unzips scripts that will aid with privilege escalation on a Linux system. It automatically downloads and deploys enum & priv-esc tools
Orc: Post-exploitation framework for Linux written in Bash
Deckard: Performs static and dynamic analysis on APKs to extract Xposed hooks
Jast: Just Another Screenshot Tool
CVE-2019-5736-PoC: PoC for CVE-2019-5736, the recent runc (runtime for Docker and Kubernetes) container breakout bug
Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources
Vulnado: Purposely vulnerable Java/Spring appo help lead secure coding workshops. Includes SQL injection, XSS, SSRF and RCE (plus reverse shell) all detailed for instruction in markdown so you don’t even need a slide deck
XSS challenge by @LooseSecurity
RIPS Technologies new source code analysis challenge (spoilers in the Tweet’s comments)
Subdomain Takeover Lab: Website with more than 70 subdomains intentionally vulnerable to subdomain takeover (AWS/S3, Github Page, Heroku, Tumblr, Tilda…)
Breaches & Vulnerabilities
Password managers leaking data in memory, but you should still use one
Healthcare hotline: Millions of medical advice calls exposed in Sweden: 2.7 million phone calls accessible without a password or any authentication
Mega-crackers back with nearly 100 million new stolen data records
Data Breach Bonanza: Dating Apps, Equifax, Mass Credential Dumps
Drupal patches critical RCE bug in out-of-band update & Technical details
Other news
Virus attack! Hackers unleash social media worm after bug report ignored
If you think your deleted Twitter DMs are sliding into the trash, you’re wrong
How a Tiny Startup Became the Most Important Hacking Shop You’ve Never Heard Of: Story of Azimuth Security, an Australian startup dealing in exploit trade with democratic governments worldwide
Edgescan’s 2019 Vulnerability statistics report: Statistics on Web and network (infrastructure) security based on Edgescan data for 2018. E.g.: “The average time to fix a vulnerability discovered in the application layer is 77.5 days”
You have around 20 minutes to contain a Russian APT attack: Crowdstrike report includes a ranking of threat groups based on their “breakout time” (“the window of time from when an adversary first compromises an endpoint machine, to when they begin moving laterally across your network”). The minimum is 20 minutes for russia!
Non technical
Tweeted this week
We created a collection of our favorite pentest & bug bounty related tweets shared this past week. You’re welcome to read them directly on Twitter: Tweets from 02/15/2019 to 02/22/2019.
Curated by Pentester Land & Sponsored by Intigriti
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the curators and do not necessarily reflect the position of intigriti.
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