Bug Bytes #34 – Challenge Winner, Bounty Economy and CSRF bible
By Intigriti
September 3, 2019
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series are curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us updated with a comprehensive list of all write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources we should not have missed.
This issue covers the week from 23 to 30 of August.
Intigriti news
BPost launched their vetted program. If you want to become vetted, follow these steps and gain access to more bug bounty programs!
Our “Outside the Box”-XSS challenge is over! Check out the winner and the writeup by @Fady_Othman!
Our favorite 5 hacking items
1. Non technical item of the week
This is a great read about how @dmi3sh uses specific metrics to increase his hourly rate as a full-time bug hunter.
The main takeaway for me is that he relies on a list of criteria to decide on which target, functionality and bug type it is best to focus. These are things like: Probability of finding a bug, payout, chance of being duped, of getting N/As and out of scope, chances of being paid, etc.
Using these objective elements helps make decisions about what to focus on a lot easier.
2. Tools of the week
These are two very handy Burp extensions. I couldn’t choose just one as I plan on using both!
LinkDumper extracts links and anything that could be an endpoint from responses. It decodes them, sorts them and displays the findings in a tabs next to the request’s “response” tab (anywhere in Burp, like in Target, Proxy History, Repeater…).
What I like about this tool is that it also extracts anything that remotely resembles a link, even “junk”. This allows for finding endpoints that could have been missed with a simple regex. I noticed that it can also return URL parameters.
Jsonp is also worth testing. It helps reveal JSONP functionality by probing each JSON endpoint passively detected. When it sees an endpoint responding with application/json, it replays the request by appending parameters and/or changing the extension to .jsonp.
If a JSONP functionality is found, it could help you bypass CSP or find bugs like XSS and Cross-Site Script Inclusion (XSSI).
3. Article of the week
Analysis of Common Federated Identity Protocols: OpenID Connect vs OAuth 2.0 vs SAML 2.0
This is an excellent introductory article for anyone who struggles with understanding the difference between SSO, OAuth 2, OpenID Connect, and SAML.
You’ll find clear and concise definitions, comparison elements, common vulnerabilities, and links for further reading.
4. Slides of the week
Active Directory security workshop: A red and blue guide to popular AD attacks
This is a 227 pages presentations on Active Directory security. It is full of resources, tools, attacks, techniques and how to protect against them (useful for pentest recommendations).
A great resource for AD security!
5. Tutorial of the week
What do you test for if you see CSRF protection on an app? This tutorial lists several techniques that may gives you new ideas to try.
They are not groundbreaking, but they are basics that every tester should know. The techniques are: Clickjacking, changing the request method, deleting the token parameter or send a blank token, using another session’s CSRF token, session fixation, removing the referrer header, and bypassing the regex.
Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week
Bounty Thursdays #1 – Personal Burp Suite collaborator, Pulse RCE, Government VDPs. XSS challenge
Solving challenges from HackTheBox, Hacker101, and Bug Bounty Notes – Every Tuesday!
8/18/2019 – Live Bug Bounty Recon Session w/ @TheCyberMentor @zseano @StokFredrik
Web App Testing: Episode 3 – XSS, SQL Injection, and Broken Access Control
Webinars & Webcasts
Slides only
Fuzzing Bay Area Meetup: Modern fuzzing of C/C++, Fuzzing APIs and web apps for fun and profit, Increasing Red Team Capabilities with Smart Fuzzing
Medium to advanced
Hail Frida!! The Universal SSL pinning bypass for Android applications
Privilege Escalation: How to build RPM payloads in Kali Linux
Beginners corner
Challenge writeups
Pentest writeups
Kerberos Resource-Based Constrained Delegation: When an Image Change Leads to a Privilege Escalation
Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups
Lojack’d: Pwning Smart vehicle trackers #CarHacking #Web
(CVE-2019-TBA –> CVE-2019-TBA) Enigma NMS Multiple Vulnerabilities #Web
CVE-2019-15092 WordPress Plugin Import Export Users = 1.3.0 – CSV Injection #Web
Handlebars 4.1.2: Command Execution #SSTI #RCE
[GTSA-00130] Webmin 1.920 Remote Code Execution.txt & TL;DR #Web #RCE
Multiple critical vulnerabilities in Cisco UCS Director, Cisco Integrated Management Controller Supervisor and Cisco UCS Director Express for Big Data #RCE #Web #AuthBypass
Script Kiddie Nightmares: Hacking Poorly Coded Botnets #CodeReview #RCE
Bug bounty writeups
Password theft via HTTP Request Smuggling on New Relic ($3,000)
SSRF on GitLab ($2,000)
Open redirect on Twitter ($560)
Authorization flaw on GitLab ($1,000)
Information disclosure via LocalStorage on MyEtherWallet ($250)
XSS via Kaspersky ($2,500)
Account takeover via password reset flaw on Facebook ($10,000)
See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.
If you don’t have time
DNS Validator: Maintains a list of IPv4 DNS servers by verifying them against baseline servers, and ensuring accurate responses
Hashcatch: Capture handshakes of nearby WiFi networks automatically
More tools, if you have time
Yar: A tool for plundering organizations, users and/or repositories from Github
Recursebuster: Rapid content discovery tool for recursively querying webservers, handy in pentesting and web application assessments
http-pulse_ssl_vpn.nse: Nmap NSE script to detect Pulse Secure SSL VPN file disclosure CVE-2019-11510
Sudomy: Subdomain enumeration tool in Bash
Kibanarec: A Tool to Extract Open Kibana Instances on Internet & Map them to their Corresponding Organizations using SSL certificates
apk_api_key_extractor: Automatically extracts API Keys from APK files
xss2png: PNG IDAT chunks XSS payload generator
CCAT & Tutorial: Cloud Container Attack Tool, a tool for testing security of container environments
Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources
RegHex: A collection of regexes for every possible use
APIscurity.io Issue 46: Cisco and Facebook patch APIs, Solr API parameter injection
EVABS: Extremely Vulnerable Android Labs
Getting shell and data access in AWS by chaining vulnerabilities
Three Most Common Security Flaws (and How to Fix Them) #PhysicalSecurity
Bug bounty & Pentest news
Meet Six Hackers Making Seven Figures: Congrats to @santi_lopezz99, @bugbountyhq, @fransrosen, @nnwakelam, @ngalongc & @thedawgyg!
Follow @agarri_fr to know where he’ll held his next free Burp v2 workshop
Serving the Best with the Best: Synack Announces Productivity Assessment Program
Expanding bug bounties on Google Play: Scope now includes all apps in Google Play with 100 million or more installs, and data abuse issues in Android apps, OAuth projects, and Chrome extensions.
Valve says turning away researcher reporting Steam vulnerability was a mistake
Protocol used by 630,000 devices can be abused for devastating DDoS attacks
Telegram Bug ‘Exploited’ By Chinese Agencies, Hong Kong Activists Claim
AV Oracle: New hacking technique leverages antivirus to steal secrets
Web clickjacking fraud makes a comeback thanks to JavaScript tricks
Breaches & Attacks
Magecart: How a single skimming case evolved into widespread credit card theft
Avast and French police take over malware botnet and disinfect 850,000 computers
Hackers Tweeted Racial Slurs From Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey’s Account
Cybersecurity Firm Suffers Security Breach, Client Info Exposed
Instagram Security Warning: Millions At Risk From ‘Believable’ New Phishing Attack
Malicious websites were used to secretly hack into iPhones for years, says Google
Sources say China used iPhone hacks to target Uyghur Muslims
Other news
The Extortion Economy: How Insurance Companies Are Fueling a Rise in Ransomware Attacks
Snake oil or genius? Crown Sterling tells its side of Black Hat controversy
New Microsoft Edge browser fires off more than 130 requests to almost 50 endpoints on first run
Microsoft Wants exFAT in Linux Kernel, Opens File System Specs
Apple apologizes for humans listening to Siri clips, changes policy
Freelance Site Fiverr Offers Illegal Private Spying Services
Microsoft: Using multi-factor authentication blocks 99.9% of account hacks
Non technical
Every Computer Science Degree Should Require a Course in Cybersecurity
The Shy Person’s Guide to Winning Friends and Influencing People
Tweeted this week
We created a collection of our favorite pentest & bug bounty related tweets shared this past week. You’re welcome to read them directly on Twitter: Tweets from 08/23/2019 to 08/30/2019.
Curated by Pentester Land & Sponsored by IntigritiDisclaimer:
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the curators and do not necessarily reflect the position of intigriti.
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