Bug Bytes #24 – VIM made easy by @TomNomnom, @jon_bottarini’s hunt for hidden features & Rock-ON
By Intigriti
June 25, 2019
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series are curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us updated with a comprehensive list of all write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources we should not have missed.
Hey hackers! These are our favorite resources shared by pentesters and bug hunters last week.
This issue covers the week from 14 to 21 of June.
Our favorite 5 hacking items
1. Conference of the week
VIM tutorial: linux terminal tools for bug bounty pentest and redteams with @tomnomnom
Oh my! We’re really spoilt this week between this video tutorial with @tomnomnom and @nahamsec’s recon tips video (see below).
@tomnomnom shares so many tips that are worthy to discover whether your are a beginner or seasoned bug hunter. This includes the tools he uses for recon (including custom ones like assetfinder and html-tool), BASH basics, how to manually search for secrets in Git repos, how to use (and exit) VIM and a lot more.
This is a must watch if you’re into Web app security!
2. Writeup of the week
@jon_bottarini shares here a technique that allowed multiple times to access unreleased beta and admin features (i.e. escalate his privileges).
The idea is that if you see the server always returning some “false” value, you can use Burp Suite’s match and replace rule to change the server’s response body from “false” to “true”. Sometimes this triggers client-side code that was hidden or unaccesible.
Similarly, you can replace “userlevel”:READONLY with “userlevel”:ADMIN, or “subscriptionlevel”:”BASIC” with “subscriptionlevel”:”PROFESSIONAL”.
Pretty straightforward. Must try now!
3. Resource of the week
This is a remarkable Twitter feed initiated by @intigriti who asked hackers to share their best bug bounty tip. A lot of people chimed in. Here are some of my favorite responses:
“Create daily diffs of JavaScript files to find new features, endpoints and keep an eye on endpoints that disappear but still work, they might conflict with the future design of the product and induce a vulnerability.”
“Sometimes your target asks you to pay to access an account/premium features. If they use services like “Stripe”, try paying with “test cards” and check if you can have a premium account/features, for free!”
“Change the host header to “localhost”, its IPv4/IPv6 equivalents or even better the internal IP of the server!” and “if you get a 403 with that, adding X-Fowarded-For:localhost might do the trick! :)”
“If http://bugbountytarget.com does not verify e-mail addresses, try signing up with a @bugbountytarget.com email address! You may get access to special features or discounts!”
4. Tool of the week
If you’re currently doing your recon manually, this will be a very handy tool. It’s a wrapper around many staple tools and looks like a good basis to build upon and customize to your own needs.
I already have a custom recon tool. But regular readers of this newsletter know by now that I lo-o-ove going through repos like this one. I look for any good ideas that can be replicated and improve my own scripts.
5. Tutorial of the week
Bookmark this one. It will be really helpful if you need to direct all (and only) your Burp traffic through a remote VPN.
This is a little more complicated than running a VPN on your local machine, but sometimes you don’t have a choice. Bug bounty program and pentest client can require that you use a remote VPN.
So check out this awesomly detailed guide. You will need PuTTY, OpenVPN, one VPS or two (if you have a dynamic IP) and the Switchy Omega browser extension.
Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week
Webinars & Webcasts
SUE2019 – Entering NIPRNET: SSRF, cloud attacks & case study on abusing jira to gain internal network access on the US DoD (by @Alyssa_Herrera)
Slides only
Medium to advanced
Beginners corner
Challenge writeups
Facebook CTF 2019 Challenges: Source code & solutions
Pentest writeups
Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups
Hacking thousands of websites via third-party JavaScript libraries
Chaining Three Bugs to Get RCE in Microsoft AttackSurfaceAnalyzer
Remote Code Execution via Ruby on Rails Active Storage Insecure Deserialization
Operation Crack: Hacking IDA Pro Installer PRNG from an Unusual Way
Bug bounty writeups
SSRF on Snapchat (video)
DOM XSS on Shopify ($500)
AWS flaw on Dropbox ($1,500)
Cookie theft ($900)
About a Sucuri RCE…and How Not to Handle Bug Bounty Reports ($750)
See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.
If you don’t have time
Redirector: Online open redirect / SSRF payload generator
Droidstatx: Python tool that generates an Xmind map with all the information gathered and any evidence of possible vulnerabilities identified via static analysis. The map itself is an Android Application Pentesting Methodology component, which assists Pentesters to cover all important areas during an assessment.
Konan: Advanced Web Application Dir Scanner
Prithvi: Report Generation Tool
More tools, if you have time
T1tl3: A simple python script which can check HTTP status of branch of URLs/Subdomains and grab URLs/Subdomain title
Detect-techs.py: A simple tool written in python3 used to read a list of websites and enumerate WordPress sites, you can change WordPress to any other technology and use it
EnumUserInFiles.sh: Script for searching usernames in files (nearly all filesystem) for getting sensitive files
0xsp-Mongoose: Privilege Escalation Enumeration Toolkit (ELF 64/32 ) , fast , intelligent enumeration with Web API integration
Constole: Scan for and exploit Consul agents
Sliver: A general purpose cross-platform implant framework that supports C2 over Mutual-TLS, HTTP(S), & DNS
Slackor & Introduction: A Golang implant that uses Slack as a command and control server
Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources
Distrotest.net: Online operating system tester. Try 200+ Linux distributions without downloading or installing them
Runbooks: Command references, posts, and resources for different topics
APIsecurity.io Issue 36: Vulnerabilities at TP-Link, Venmo, Amcrest, and GateHub
Scalable Scanning and Automatic Classification of TLS Padding Oracle Vulnerabilities
Application Security 101: Learn buffer overflows starting from CPU architecture, memory layout, programming & assembly
Week in OSINT #2019–24: Interesting section about Facebook graph search changes
Bug bounty news
New Bugcrowd Researcher Collaboration: Reward Splitting & Joint Submissions
Graph’s not dead & SearchBook: A Firefox extension for executing some Graph-like searches against Facebook
@naffy made roughly $550k USD in 365 days on 187 bugs & Spreadsheet of his bugs for the last 12 months
Netflix researcher spots TCP SACK flaws in Linux and FreeBSD
Millions of Dell PCs Vulnerable to Flaw in Third-Party Component
Pass the salt! Popular CMSs aren’t securing passwords properly
A bug in Wi-Fi ‘extenders’ could give a hacker full control over the devices
Major HSM vulnerabilities impact banks, cloud providers, governments
Breaches & Attacks
Malware sidesteps Google permissions policy with new 2FA bypass technique
NASA hacked because of unauthorized Raspberry Pi connected to its network
SIM swap horror story: I’ve lost decades of data and Google won’t lift a finger
Malicious apps/sites
Other news
Chrome adds features to improve protection against deceptive websites
Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency is big news but will it be secure?
Non technical
Tweeted this week
We created a collection of our favorite pentest & bug bounty related tweets shared this past week. You’re welcome to read them directly on Twitter: Tweets from 06/14/2019 to 06/21/2019.
Subscribe to the newsletter here!
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the curators and do not necessarily reflect the position of intigriti.Curated by Pentester Land & Sponsored by Intigriti
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