Bug Bytes #182 – Infosec twitter migrates to Mastodon, Google Pixel Lock Screen Bypass and Next-Gen Spidering with Katana
By travisintigriti
November 16, 2022
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The second series is curated by InsiderPhD. Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comprehensive list of write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources.
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This issue covers the weeks from November 7th until November 13th.
Intigriti News
We published a blog on how to set up your own XSSHunter with a Video tutorial
This week hackers descend on Copenhagen for 1337UP1122 with Visma
From my notebook
There has been some great blog posts this week but I think the whole community was wowed by the lock screen bypass on the Google Pixel and the new tool from project discovery Katana, promising a next-gen spidering tool. I’ve also included Awesome API security which has a ton of API resources, with bugs, how tos, tools and CTFs you can practice on.
Other Amazing Things
How to get greater bounties for MEDIUM and LOW risk reports?
Hacking on Android With Gaurang Bhatnagar | Creator #InsecureShop
Israel (Cyber) Defense Forces, Blockchain, DeFi and Life as a Web3 Digital Nomad @Johnny Time
[0x0a] Reversing Shorts :: Apple’s Cross-Process Communication (XPC)
EP95 Cloud Security Talks Panel: Cloud Threats and Incidents
What can chess grandmasters teach us about Cyber? [ML BSide]
165 – Apache Batik, Static Site Generators, and an Android App Vuln
166 – OpenSSL Off-by-One, Java XML Bugs, and an In-the-Wild Samsung Chain
Hacking Tools & Resources for Bug Bounties, Red Teaming, And More!
How to mimic Kerberos protocol transition using reflective RBCD
Automate and finds the IP address of a website behind Cloudflare
10 Minute Bug Bounties: OSINT With Google Dorking, Censys, and Shodan
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) Explanation & Exploitation
content discovery usage and tools with real example for bug bounty(part 1)
Intercept Mobil Application Pentest Flutter traffic on iOS and Android (HTTP/HTTPS/ Ssl Pinning)
Understanding Privilege Escalation by Abusing Linux Access Control
Story of a $1k bounty — SSRF to leaking access token and other sensitive information
Sleep SQL injection on Name Parameter While Updating Profile
Google VRP (Acquisitions) — [Insecure Direct Object Reference] 2nd
CORS via XSS leaks User details including Credit Card details.
How to find (“Business_logics”) AND (”Broken Access Control”) Bugs !
How we handled a recent phishing incident that targeted Dropbox
Issue 208: Urlscan.io leaks sensitive data, Dropbox phishing attack, contract test for microservices
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