Bug Bytes #163 – Uber Eats payment bypass, Mystery lab challenge & 1337Up livestream
By Anna Hammond
March 16, 2022
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series is curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comprehensive list of write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources.
This issue covers the week from March 7 to 14.
Intigriti news
“Bug Bounty Write-Ups” community
We have a brand new Twitter community!
It is a place where you can share with us your bug bounty writeups, and stay informed of the latest and most informative writeups.
Our favorite 5 hacking items
1. Vulnerability of the week
What caused the Uber Eats glitch that allowed ordering free food for a weekend in India?
@GergelyOrosz explains a bug in Uber Eats that allowed students in India to order around $14,000 of food for free. All because of a small change in an API endpoint related to idempotency…
2. Resource of the week
PortSwigger: Introducing the mystery lab challenge
If you’ve completed all Web Security Academy challenges and wondered what’s next, you will love this! PortSwigger introduced a new functionality, the “Mystery lab challenge”, that can generates realistic labs where the bug type is not known beforehand.
3. Conferences of the week
Amazon Cognito (Mis)Configurations – BSides Ahmedabad 2021
1337UP LIVE Conference (livestream)
The first talk is a walkthrough of Amazon Cognito misconfigurations by @sheth_kavisha. She goes over how AWS Cognito works and common attack vectors. To go further, here are other resources recommended by @yassineaboukir.
Another conference worth your time is Intigriti’s 1337UP LIVE Conference. The livestream is up on Youtube and is a fantastic opportunity to learn about topics like how to find your first bug, 2FA vulnerabilities, creating bug bounty tools, mobile app hacking, OSINT in bug bounty, a cool red teaming story and more.
4. Article of the week
Finding Gadgets Like It’s 2022 & QLinspector
@hugow_vincent shares a new methodology to find deserialization gadget chains in Java apps using CodeQL.
It has some limitations like the necessity to have the app’s source code and being able to compile it, but it can help when tools like Yoserial and gadget inspector fail to find valid chains.
5. Tutorial of the week
iOS Hacking – A Beginner’s Guide to Hacking iOS Apps [2022 Edition]
A lot of mobile hacking tutorials show only the first steps to set up your testing environment and stop there. This one goes further, explaining not only jailbreaking and seting up your environment with Linux as a host, but also how to actually start testing iOS apps using both static and dynamic analysis.
Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week
Common Active Directory Misconfiguration | Tech Talk #1, 2022
MentorshipMondays | How to Communicate and Write a Report, Meet Chris Evans, HackerOne’s Chief Hacking Officer & How To Pick A Target
Stranger Danger: Your JavaScript Attack Surface Just Got Bigger!
Breaking and Entering: A Hacker’s Field Manual for Physical Access – Tyler Robinson
Slides & Workshop material
Challenge writeups
Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups
Securing Developer Tools: Package Managers #Web #CodeReview
Pascom: The story of 3 bugs that lead to unauthed RCE. #Web #LPE
CVE-2022-21831: Overview of the security issues we found in Rails’s image processing API #Web
CVE-2022-26143: TP240PhoneHome reflection/amplification DDoS attack vector #VoIP #DDoS
The Discovery and Exploitation of CVE-2022-25636 #Linux #MemoryCorruption
Known vulnerabilities
Making Sense of the Dirty Pipe Vulnerability (CVE-2022-0847), Video tutorial by @HackerSploit & Max Kellermann’s exploit modified (to overwrite root’s password in /etc/passwd)
Bug bounty writeups
From Recon via Censys and DNSdumpster, to Getting P1 by Login Using Weak Password – “password” ($2,500)
How I bypassed disable_functions in php to get a remote shell
SQL Injection at Spotify (Spotify)
Oracle Access Manager Pre-Auth RCE (CVE-2021–35587 Analysis)
Container Escape to Shadow Admin: GKE Autopilot Vulnerabilities (Google)
Escalating from Logic App Contributor to Root Owner in Azure (Microsoft)
SSD Advisory – NETGEAR DGND3700v2 PreAuth Root Access (Netgear)
See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.
bypass-url-parser: Bash script that tests many URL bypass techniques to reach a 40X protected pages
reflector: A crawler that tests HTML forms for reflection (based on hakrawler)
tew: A quick ‘n dirty nmap parser written in Golang to convert nmap xml to IP:Port notation
GraphQL Cop: Security Auditor Utility for GraphQL APIs
scant3r: Module based Bug Bounty Automation Tool
swaggerHole: A python3 script searching for secret on SwaggerHub
Tips & Tweets
Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources
picoCTF 2022 (March 15 – 29)
zer0pts CTF 2022 (March 19 – 20)
Bug bounty & Pentest news
Bug bounty
Upcoming events
Bounty Thursday’s ON-AIR (March 17 at 16:00 CET)
NahamCon2022 (April 30)
Tool updates
Non technical
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