Bug Bytes #146 – Driftwood, Trojan Source & XSS via smart contract
By Anna Hammond
November 10, 2021
Bug Bytes is a weekly newsletter curated by members of the bug bounty community. The first series is curated by Mariem, better known as PentesterLand. Every week, she keeps us up to date with a comprehensive list of write-ups, tools, tutorials and resources.
This issue covers the week from November 1 to 8.
Our favorite 5 hacking items
1. Tools of the week
Driftwood & Intro
Burp PAC Server
Driftwood is the result of A-M-A-Z-I-N-G research on asymmetric private keys, by the creators of TruffleHog. Identifying if and what private keys are used for, is a problem bug hunters and pentesters might often face. Driftwood will let you know quickly if the private key is used for TLS or as a GitHub SSH key.
I highly recommend the introductory video for details on the research and inner workings of the tool.
Another very useful tool is @honoki‘s Burp PAC Server. It is a Burp extensions that generates a PAC script to use in your browser. It makes it route only traffic that matches your Burp scope to Burp. So, no more noisy requests from the browser appearing in Burp!
2. Vulnerability of the week
Trojan Source: Invisible Vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-42572) & Rapid7 analysis
“Trojan Source” attacks described in this paper rely on Unicode Bidirectional control characters. Including them inside comments makes them invisible to humans, but most compilers don’t support these characters and reorder them. This causes discrepancies in how the code is read by human reviewers and interpreted by compilers.
3. Conference of the week
OWASP Global AppSec Virtual 2020
You will love this playlist if you are interested in topics like AppSec, mass recon, OAuth, hacking APIs, mobile apps, WhatsApp, containers, code review, and crypto. I know I’m going to be busy for a while watching these.
4. Writeup of the week
Escalating XSS to Sainthood with Nagios
This is such a well written writeup! I love the “End-to-End Attack” examples that show how the different vulnerabilities can be chained to fully compromise Nagios servers. If you are a pentester, writing these sections that illustrate complete attack scenarios is a great way to convey both the technical and overall business risk to clients.
5. Tweet of the week
I am not into smart contract security but bugs like this are really cool. @theRaz0r found a way to register ENS (Ethereum Name Service) names with XSS, which is not allowed by the frontend on https://ens.domains. This can be bypassed using a smart contract and, makes any applications that integrate ENS vulnerable to XSS.
Other amazing things we stumbled upon this week
Slides & Workshop material
Recon, Vulnerable Code Assessment, Exploit Automation, Bypasses & Patching all one. (Python, PHP)
BOF2shellcode — a tutorial converting a stand-alone BOF loader into shellcode
Finding Privilege Escalation Vulnerabilities in Windows using Process Monitor
Challenge writeups
Pentest writeups
Responsible(ish) disclosure writeups
How To Exploit CVE-2021-40539 On Manageengine Adselfservice Plus #CodeReview
SmartStoreNET – Malicious Message leading to E-Commerce Takeover #CodeReview
Chaining Three Zero-Day Exploits in ITSM Software ServiceTonic for Remote Code Execution
Rapid7 analysis: Pre-Auth Takeover of Build Pipelines in GoCD (CVE-2021-43287) #CI/CD
Bug bounty writeups
Insufficient Redirect URI validation: The risk of allowing to dynamically add arbitrary query parameters and fragments to the redirect_uri (GitHub, Microsoft, StackExchange)
Dangerous XSS bug in Google Chrome’s ‘New Tab’ page bypassed security features (Google, $1,000)
A Technical Analysis of CVE-2021-30864: Bypassing App Sandbox Restrictions (Apple)
The Speckle Umbrella story — part 2 (Google)
HackerOne Staging uses Production data for testing (HackerOne, $1,000)
HTTP Request Smuggling due to ignoring chunk extensions (Node.js, $250)
See more writeups on The list of bug bounty writeups.
ghorg: Quickly clone an entire org/users repositories into one directory – Supports GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, and more
smbls & Intro: A simple Impacket-based tool to check a set of credentials against many Windows hosts and get permission for SMB shares
CredMaster & Intro : Password spraying tool that uses FireProx APIs to rotate IP addresses, stay anonymous, and beat throttling
Tips & Tweets
Misc. pentest & bug bounty resources
MalAPI.io (maps Windows APIs to common techniques used by malware)
Winja CTF | c0c0n 2021 (November 12-13)
University CTF 2021 (November 19-21)
Can you read filenames on our system? #CodeReview
Bug bounty & Pentest news
Bug bounty
Upcoming events
HACKtheMACHINE Unmanned (November 16-19)
MystikCon 2021 (November 21)
INTENT (Security Research Summit) (November 16)
Tool updates
New gadgets added to the Client-Side Prototype Pollution repo
Burp Professional / Community 2021.9.1 (New SSTI checks, Turbo Intruder “Deduplicate” button, and more)
Grep-Match in Burp isn’t a boolean anymore (since v2021.9.1)
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