Corporate Social Responsibility Code

This Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Code outlines Intigriti’s commitment to ethical practices, environmental sustainability and positive social impact. It serves as a framework for integrating these values into our operations and stakeholder interactions.


At Intigriti, we recognize our responsibility to contribute positively to society while conducting our business with integrity and accountability. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Code outlines our commitment to ethical practices, social impact and environmental stewardship, and governs the main principles of conduct at Intigriti.

Our vision is a world where cyber security knows no borders, and where a diverse, talented and reliable global community of security experts collaborates to continuously protect and innovate, providing assurance and peace of mind for all. At Intigriti we believe that the rapidly growing digital world can and must be used to help make the physical world more sustainable. The solution will need to be robust – we are betting our future on it – so we need great cyber security. That is why we at Intigriti are ensuring that we do our part.

Our ambition is to use the power of the ethical hacking community to make sure that we are making the world a better place. Together, we can build a better society and a sustainable environment in which people are central and the planet is protected.

1. Labor and Social

We understand that our employees are our greatest asset and are dedicated to fostering a positive, inclusive, and supportive work environment where every team member can thrive. Our social and labor responsibility is anchored in the below commitments.

Human rights

In all our activities, we will respect internationally recognized human rights and promote adherence to them. Where national legislation applies, we are committed to apply the rules which offer greater protection to employees.

Fair employment practices

We are committed to maintaining fair and equitable employment practices by ensuring all hiring, compensation, promotion, and termination practices are free from discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other legally protected characteristic. We consistently adopt transparent and merit-based recruitment, compensation and promotion processes.

Social dialogue

We recognize the importance of social dialogue in fostering a fair and respectful workplace. We are committed to engaging in meaningful and constructive dialogue with our employees and their representatives, ensuring that their voices are heard in matters affecting their work and well-being. We respect our employees' freedom of association and actively acknowledge the right to collective bargaining.

Workplace health and safety

We prioritize the health and safety of our employees by providing a safe and healthy working environment in compliance with all applicable health and safety regulations. We implement appropriate health and safety initiatives and ensure appropriate training and resources are available. We encourage a culture of safety where employees feel empowered to report hazards and unsafe or unhealthy circumstances without fear of reprisal.

Work-life balance

We support our employees in achieving a healthy work-life balance by offering flexible working arrangements, including where possible remote work options and flexible hours, and by encouraging employees to disconnect outside of their working hours. We provide adequate paid leave options, that where relevant and appropriate exceed legal requirements, including vacation, sick leave, parental leave, and other personal leave options. We promote initiatives that support mental health and well-being, such as employee assistance programs.

Professional development and training

We are dedicated to supporting the continuous professional growth of our employees by offering comprehensive training and development programs to enhance skills and advance careers. We provide opportunities for employees to attend workshops, conferences, and other educational events. We encourage a culture of continuous learning and innovation through internal knowledge-sharing initiatives.

Employee engagement and communication

We value open and transparent communication with our employees by maintaining regular and clear channels for employee feedback. We hold regular meetings and forums to discuss company performance, goals, and employee concerns. We ensure management is approachable and responsive to employee input and queries.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace by actively promoting diversity in our hiring practices and fostering an inclusive culture where all employees feel valued and respected. We strive for our leadership team and board of directors to reflect a wide range of backgrounds, perspectives and experiences and implement training programs to raise awareness and understanding of diversity, equity, and inclusion issues.

As we deeply rely on the expertise and dedication of our community of security researchers, we recognize the importance of fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion not only within our internal teams but also across the researcher community. We believe that a diverse and inclusive researcher community enhances creativity, innovation, and the quality of our services. To this end, we are dedicated to creating an environment where all researchers feel welcomed, valued, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives.

Ethical labor practices

We adhere to the highest standards of ethical labor practices by ensuring compliance with all applicable labor laws and regulations, and by respecting international standards of ethical employment practices, including those related to wages, hours of work, and employee rights. We prohibit all forms of forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking in our operations. We partner with suppliers and contractors who share our commitments in this regard.

Social responsibility and community engagement

We commit to ethical practices that benefit society by supporting initiatives that positively impact the communities where we operate. We commit to delivering real opportunities to ethical hackers around the world and to contribute to social good.

By embedding these principles into our corporate social responsibility strategy, Intigriti is dedicated to creating a supportive, equitable, and dynamic work environment that not only enhances employee satisfaction and well-being but also drives our employees’ success.

2. Environmental Sustainability

At Intigriti, we recognize the critical importance of protecting and preserving the environment for future generations. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact through sustainable practices and innovation. Our environmental responsibility is guided by the below principles.

Energy efficiency

We strive to minimize energy consumption across our operations. This includes striving for the use of energy-efficient technologies and systems, investing in renewable energy sources where feasible and implementing measures to limit travel and promote the use of sustainable transportation methods.

Sustainable resource management

We are committed to using resources responsibly by adopting a reduce, reuse, and recycle approach in our procurement and waste management processes. We strive to limit the use of non-renewable resources and to source materials and products from suppliers that share our commitment to environmental sustainability.

Compliance and continuous improvement

We adhere to all environmental laws and regulations appliable to our activities.

3. Corporate Governance and Ethics

At Intigriti, we uphold the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior in all our operations. We are committed to conducting business with honesty, transparency, and accountability. The responsibilities we are committed to undertake in that regard are reflected in the below principles.

Governance and accountability of the board of directors

Our board of directors plays a crucial role in overseeing the implementation and effectiveness of this CSR Code. The board of directors ensures that CSR considerations are embedded in the company’s long-term strategy, influencing decisions related to growth, risk management, and resource allocation. The board of directors holds the executive team responsible for executing CSR initiatives, ensuring that our commitments are met.

Regulatory compliance

We strive to adhere to all applicable laws, regulations, and industry standards governing our operations. We regularly review and update our policies and practices to meet evolving legal requirements. We implement robust compliance programs and conduct regular audits to ensure adherence to legal and regulatory standards.

Anti-corruption and anti-bribery

We prohibit all forms of corruption and bribery by adopting a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery, corruption (including money laundering and fraud), and any related unethical practices. We foster awareness within our organization and implement controls and procedures to detect and prevent corrupt practices in our operations and supply chain.

Fair competition

We promote fair competition in the marketplace by competing vigorously yet fairly, and by adhering to antitrust and competition laws. We refrain from engaging in any anti-competitive practices, such as price-fixing, monopolistic behavior, or unfair trade practices. We respect the intellectual property rights of others and promote innovation through ethical means.

Conflicts of interest

We aim to avoid conflicts of interest and address them appropriately where they occur. We require members of the board of directors and management to promptly disclose any ethical, legal, financial or other sorts of conflicts where they occur, and to remove themselves from any impacted decision-making.

Integrity and transparency

We are dedicated to maintaining trust and credibility by ensuring all business practices are conducted with the utmost integrity and transparency, by providing accurate and truthful information in communications with stakeholders, including employees, customers, investors, and the public.

Whistleblower protection

We encourage and protect whistleblowers by establishing secure and confidential channels for employees to report unethical behavior or violations of our policies. We protect whistleblowers from retaliation or adverse consequences for reporting concerns in good faith. We promptly investigate all reports of unethical behavior and take appropriate corrective actions.

Data privacy and security

We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of data by implementing comprehensive data protection policies and practices to safeguard sensitive information, by ensuring compliance with data privacy regulations, such as GDPR, and maintaining transparent data handling practices. We continuously monitor and enhance our cybersecurity measures to prevent unauthorized access, breaches, and other security threats.

By integrating these governance and ethical principles into our corporate social responsibility strategy, Intigriti is dedicated to building a culture of integrity and accountability that not only enhances our reputation but also contributes to the broader goal of ethical business conduct in the industry.

4. Sustainable Procurement

We are committed to conducting business fairly and ethically and select our suppliers based on their commitment to respect principles of equivalent standard as those reflected in this CSR Code.

5. Treatment of Violations

The integrity and effectiveness of our CSR Code depends on the commitment of all employees, partners, suppliers and stakeholders to uphold its principles. Violations of this code undermine our values and mission, and they will be addressed with seriousness and diligence. Any employee, partner, supplier or stakeholder who becomes aware of a potential violation of the CSR Code is encouraged to report it. Reports can be made via email to or by following our internal whistleblowing procedure. Confidentiality and fairness are important to us. Each case will be examined individually to be able to determine suitable, necessary and appropriate consequences.

Sustainable customers

Our customers also have a focus on sustainability

As the largest university hospital in Belgium, UZ Leuven combines specialized healthcare and innovative treatments with human attention and respect for every patient.

Check out their program

Sentiance is an intelligence-driven data science and behavior change company. They turn motion data into contextual insights and use behavioral change techniques to personalize engagement for safer and sustainable mobility and well-being experiences.

Check out their program

Suivo’s fleet management monitors speed, acceleration, and fuel consumption, among other things, to improve people’s driving behavior and lower emissions. 

Check out their program