Monthly Challenges
XSS is one of the most popular vulnerabilities to hunt for. Is it the name radiating coolness? Is it the impact it can have? Is it because that popup is so rewarding? Who knows! All we know at Intigriti is that people LOVE XSS but that many have only scratched the surface of what XSS can be!
In this article, we’ll list all the XSS challenges we’ve hosted in the past, so you can keep on polishing those skills. Leave no XSS uncovered!
Note that some of these challenges may not involve XSS 😉
This page is not actively maintained any longer, check out our new gitbook!
📜 Overview
Challenge-0724: Memo Sharing by al and wubz
Challenge-0524: Quadratic Equation Solver by stealthcopter
Challenge-0424: BarSpacing Skills by Erik Donker
Challenge-0324: Contact Form by m0z
Challenge-0224: Love Letter by GoatSniff
Challenge-0124: Repo Woes by Kevin Mizu
Challenge-1223: Smartypants Revenge by Protag
Challenge-1023: Pseudonym Generator by Kévin Mizu
Challenge-0923: Secure Database by sgrum0x
Challenge-0823: Pure Functional Math Calculator by huli
Challenge-0723: Video-to-Audio Converter by kavigihan
Challenge-0623: Protocapture by 0xGodson
Challenge-0523: It’s Fun to Review the E.C.M.A by Renwa
Challenge-0423: We Like to Sell Bricks by strangemonkey
Challenge-0323: Incomplete Secure Notes Application by 0xGodson and BrunoModificato
Challenge-0223: Leek NFT by Dr Leek
Challenge-0123: Friends by Samokosik and mrkcdl
Challenge-1222: Christmas blog by fh4ntke
Challenge-1122: Secure Vault by H4R3L
Challenge-1022: Secure notes by 0xGodson_
Challenge-0922: 8 ball by IvarsVids
Challenge-0822: Business card generator by BrunoModificato and aszx87410
Challenge-0722: Awesome kitty blog by Vroemy
Challenge-0622: Recipe by lawrencevl
Challenge-0522: Pollution by PiyushThePal
Challenge-0422: Window Maker by aszx87410
Challenge-0322: Hashing by BrunoModificato
Challenge-0222: Extremely Short Scripting Game by aszx87410
Challenge-0122: Super Secure HTML Viewer by TheRealBrenu
Challenge-1221: Christmas Special by E1u5iv3F0x
Challenge-1121: OWASP Top 10 by IvarsVids
Challenge-1021: Halloween has taken over by 0xTib3rius
Challenge-0921: Password Manager by BugEmir and Pepijn van der Stap
Challenge-0821: XSS Cookbook by WHOISbinit
Challenge-0721: HTML Viewer by RootEval
Challenge-0621: Password Generator by Physuru
Challenge-0521: Math Robot by GrumpinouT
Challenge-0421: WAF by terjanq
Challenge-0321: Notes
Challenge-0121: Challenging
Challenge-1220: Calculator